1)Tarot 1909: Mr. Rider Meets Mr. Waite And Ms. Smith
2) Tarot Card #8 Strength: The Strength Of Weakness, And Vice-Versa
3) Tarot Cards Four Eights: Melodrama and Movement
4) Tarot Cards All Swords: Face Up To It
5) Tarot Cards Knights: Do Go Gentle Into That Good Knight
6) Tarot Cards #2, 3 and 4 Wands: Working For A Living
7) Tarot Cards #13, 15, 16: A Bad Day In Hell Is Just An Ordinary Tuesday Here
8) Tarot Card #7 Chariot: A Pickle With That?
9) Tarot Cards #19 Sun and #9-10 Cups: Mellow That Color
10) Tarot Card #10 Wheel of Fortune: What Goes Up, Must Come Down
11) Tarot Card #14 Temperance: Temper Temper
12) Tarot Cards #2 High Priestess and 18 Moon: Once Upon A Blue Moon
13) Tarot Card #1 Magician: Magical Mystery Tour
14) Tarot Cards #5 and #10 of Pentacles: Home Sweet Home
15) Tarot Cards #3, 4, 5 And 6 Of Cups: Hair Of The Dog
16) Tarot Card #6 Lovers: Lover’s Leap
17) Tarot Cards Majors #15 – 21: Long Strange Trip Stage III
18) Tarot Cards Majors #1 – 7: Long Strange Trip Stage I
19) Tarot Cards Majors #8 – 14: Long Strange Trip Stage II
20) Tarot Cards Four Aces: Heroes
21) Tarot Card #11 Justice: Imagine That
22) Tarot Card #12 Hanged Man: Let Your Enlightenment Shine
23) Tarot Cards #0 Fool and #7 Wands: Cliff Hangers
24) Tarot Cards #6 Lovers, #2 Cups, #15 Devil: Lovelorn
25) Tarot Cards #4, 5, 6 Pentacles: Free-For-All
26) Tarot Cards #5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Wands: Taking A Stand