Most of my tarot collection, about 1,500 items, has been stored very carefully boxed for as much as 30 years.
When I say stored very carefully, I mean after scanning cards and entering information into my relational database, I wrapped in tissue paper all decks that would fit into the small cardboard boxes I had specially manufactured, and anything else too large I wrapped in coated freezer paper. Everything was then packed into storage boxes and tucked away. My tarots have been very, very well kept.
Recently, everything from before 2004 has been pulled out of storage and shelved. Want to see?
I must say, this is *not* in my house, though for many years I did live very happily side-by-side with all my tarot cards. Now Joselin brings my cards to me when I need them, or when a sale means I must pack them for their travels using the same care I have always shown, often still in their little white boxes to keep them safe on their journeys
One more note about very careful storage: I often shrink-wrapped open decks to prevent wear. I still describe these decks as “open” of course, so don’t be confused when they appear to be sealed, it is only my added protective covering.
Yes, I have OCD, both a blessing and a curse. The results here are very well-stored, high quality vintage tarots.